United States New York New York

Saratoga National Historical Park

A U.S. park commemorating a pivotal Revolutionary War battle with a victory that bolstered American independence.

Saratoga National Historical Park Guides

  • Guide to Saratoga Springs, NY

    mustangdmv (Danielle Call)
    That isn't just going to the horse races! Saratoga Springs is the northern capital of horse racing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a good day at the racetrack, but there is so much more to see and do in Saratoga than just admiring the thoroughbreds.
  • National Historic Parks and Monuments in New York

    mustangdmv (Danielle Call)
    National Parks have gotten a huge boost this year with the shift to more outdoor activities. But did you know, there's more to national parks than the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone? These are some of the many National Historical Parks you can visit in New York State such as Hyde Park, the home of FDR or The Grange, the home of Alexander Hamilton.